Banknotes Blog


How We Became Lake Ridge Bank

We knew right from the start that one of the most important decisions we would need to make was what to name our new bank.

Connie Whitman is the CEO of Whitman & Associates.

Leah Roe is founder, leadership coach & organizational culture consultant at The Perk.

Tracey Smiskey is market president of Northwestern Bank.

Britt Gottschalk is the founder & CEO of ReVise Consulting.

Lynn Lanning is the owner & business manager of Vibe Dance Studio.

Fatou Ceesay is the owner of Cairasu Home Care.

Megan Jerabek is an attorney & shareholder at von Briesen & Roper, s.c.

Laura Gallagher is the founder & president of the Madison-based PR & branding firm, The Creative Company.

Traci Brown is an author, keynote speaker & fraud-busting body language expert.

Traci Scherck is the chief talent officer at Elevated Talent Consulting.

Nancy Kalsow is the owner of Kalsow Coaching & Consulting, LLC.

Carrie Lockton is the owner of D1 Sports Training – Madison West.

Wealthways is excited to welcome Jane Simon, leader of State Bank of Cross Plains' Private Banking team, to the co-host chair!

Carole Schaeffer is the vice president of business development at Friede & Associates.

Amy Harrill is the owner of Ascend Outcome Improvement Systems.

Amy Supple is the senior vice president & chief operating officer at The Edgewater.

Richelle Martin is the founder/managing director of the Winnow Fund.

Rhonda Noordyk is the founder & CEO of Women's Financial Wellness Center.

Christy Metcalf is the co-founder of 2 Smart Girls.

Corinn Ploessl is the organizational events manager at Destination Madison.

Mary Gaffney-Ward is the general manager at The Madison Club.

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